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Apr 21, 2008

My growing baby...

I can't believe how much Sean has changed in just 7 months! It's really crazy to think about, how fast our little guys grow and how much they change in such a short time. He doesn't even look like the same baby. In the 1st pic.- the 0-3 month outfit was huge on him (he's wearing the same outfit in 3-6 months in the 2nd pic.) He used to be the same size as the Teddy... Crazy huh?!

9/22/07 @ 2 weeks


4/9/2008 @ 7 months

Now he's a sitting, smiling, silly little boy. (There's nothing cuter than a little boy in a sports outfits, hence the picture... & the cute big smile doesn't help!!!)


susana kidd said...

que bello baby! increible verdad que nuestros bebos estan creciendo super rapido no?. Me encantan las fotos con el teddy!

Bridgette said...

So adorable! It all goes by so fast!
p.s. The garlic salt made all the difference with the black beans! Thanks for the tip

Heather said...

I love the pics of Sean with the teddy. It sure shows how fast they grow and how much they change. He's so cute!!