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Jun 23, 2008

Zippi Launch- eBay Live in Chicago

We had a great time in Chicago last week. We went there for the eBay Live Convention and the launch of eBay's new sister company Zippi Networks. There were people there from all over the world and everyone loved the new way to eBay w/ Zippi. It was an eye opening experience and well worth our time!

Here's a few pics from our trip

Posing for a quick picture @ eBay Live w/ the Zippi Owners.

Sean all ready to go for a night out in the town...

Posing by the Lake Michigan.

Chicago is a beautiful city, by far the cleanest & most beautiful mayor city I've been too including- New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, SLC, Denver, Washington DC, Phoenix, among others... I highly recommend visiting it- in fact I can't wait to go back!!!- hopefully soon.

I love big cities- it felt like being back home.

1 comment:

Bridgette said...

It looks like you had a ton of fun! For real, we need to get together!