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Jul 20, 2008

Farewell Party....

We had a farewell Party on Friday, for our good friends Chad & Bridgette, who are leaving to Atlanta in less than a month. This is where Tom & Chad met as companions on their mission. We are really going to miss them, but will plan a trip to come out and visit soon.


Andy and Ella have been the best of friends... I told Andy that Ella was going to move to Atlanta and that it was very far away, that we would have to get on a plane to visit, he said, "OK, so can we go now?" He loves to play with Ella, what he doesn't know is that Bridgette & I have already planned their arranged marriage---he! he! he! ;)



I'm glad that we'll atleast be able to keep in touch with our blogs....
Love you guys. We'll miss you tons!


Bridgette said...

It was so great to see you guys! We are going to miss you so much. Let's start planning your trip now!

SeƱora Daiana said...

Umm was I there? I see no pictures of me HA HA. It was a lot of fun.

"The Savages" said...

No pics of Daiana, but 2 of her hubby- Jared. I guess that's OK since you are 1- right??