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May 12, 2009

I got back form Miami last Tuesday & got the terrible news Thursday, May 7th, that my uncle Alvin Saczek had been murdered.... It's been a hard few days for our family. But days & nights I've had to ponder about life & how fragile it is. Thinking about my "Abuela Ana" & how hard it must be to loose a son. (I can't imagine what that must feel like.)

This Mother's Day I am grateful for my 2 little boys the Lord has entrusted me with and; that they are here with me. I've been thinking about how we should all make every day count in the lives of the people we love & live every moment as if it were the last.

I couldn't share this day with my mom- she was far away saying goodbye to her little brother, but I'm also grateful for her & her wonderful example to me & my siters & brother. I'm glad she could be there to support her mom during these hard times.

I'm also thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ & the knowledge that life continues beyond this one, & that we will all be reunited with the ones we love!

Tio Alvin we love you & miss you.


Megan said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you.

Melissa Savage said...

Oh Laura, I'm so sorry. I hope you and your family are doing well and please know we're thinking of you and praying for you!