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Sep 3, 2009


Today was Andy's 1st day of Kindergarten! I can't believe my baby is so grown up.

The most exciting part of it all is that he got accepted into "Early Light Academy" a brand new Charter School here in Daybreak. I love love love Charter Schools- they teach kids from the start to be leaders & to use their creativity, talents, & strengths to learn & develop their skills, in fact ELA's- learning foundation that they start kids on in Kindergarten is the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"- by Stephen Covey. They use the K12 curriculum which develops each child's potential with engaging, individualized learning and they also teach kids foreign languages including Spanish, French, Chinese, German etc. I could go on & on....

I'm so excited that he got in... it wasn't easy there was a long waiting list, but oh so worth it- he's going to get so much more out of this education than a regular Public School!



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Andy had a great 1st day- he said he made lots of new friends, but couldn't remember any of their names--- I can already tell its going to be a great & fun year for him!!!

1 comment:

Howells Fam said...

I can't believe he's that big already! Glad he made lots of friends though!