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Feb 6, 2010

My friendly, adventurous, fun, smiley, loving, happy, brave, active child turned 6. I can't believe it's been this long since I became a mommy for the 1st time! What a beautiful adventure it's been thus far. We have shared so many wonderful experiences together.... so many laughs, cuddles, smiles, kisses & hugs. I'll never forget the day I laid eyes on him for the first time- I knew my life would be changed forever and that my little boy would fill my heart with so much joy!
Andy is my little angel, he is so loving and kind to his brother Sean & sister Ally. He is so rambunctious, always looking for something to do, some wall to climb or other way to practice his super hero powers, or someone to play with. Everyday we get knocks at the door from kids asking to play with Andy- he's the popular kid on the block, everyone wants to be his friend and he wants to be EVERYONE's friend!

I put together a slideshow to celebrate Andy's 6 years! Enjoy!


Mike and Patty said...

i cant believe how fast time flies! i got teary-eyed looking at the slide show and remembering Andy when he was just a little guy. he was ADORABLE and he still is the handsomest 6 year old i've met! he truly has a tender heart and is the best big brother sean and ally could ever ask for. mike and i love him dearly

Howells Fam said...

I can't believe it's been that long either! Happy Birthday Andy! I loved the slide show - he's absolutely adorable!

Heather said...

Wow - I can't believe he's already six! I loved looking at the pics.