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Mar 6, 2011

Andy's 7th B-day Party!

We seriously had the best time at Andy's B-day party!
Andy said it was the best party ever!
Andy and Sean are both so into Toy Story, that inevitably this was the theme,
I was so happy to be doing something other than Super Heroes.

We had 17 of Andy's friends
including little brother Sean and sister Allie and cousin Broderick.
Andy was thrilled to have so many friends share in his special day.
The kids had a blast bouncing and going down the slide, playing lazer tag, skating, shooting balls at eachother, and discovering the jungle gym.
We ate pizza, chips, candy, cookies, fruit, cake, and drank lots and lots of water,
Caprisuns, and lemonade to stay hydrated.

Classic Fun Center is little kid heaven! Take a look at the pics and you will see why.
Even the adults couldn't help but get in on the fun!

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