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Oct 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!!


Andy chose to be Harry Potter for Halloween,
he looked super cute in his costume,
our favorite part was the glasses--
he looks so sophisticated, like a perfect little wizard!

He went around playing tricks on people,
magic tricks-that is.
Waving his wand in the air & saying "Stupefy"!
as he asked for candies.

Sean on the other hand...
slept the whole time!
He was a perfectly
well-behaved little rabbit.

Tom and Laura's favorite part was the free candy of course!!!
(I guess your never to old for candy)

1 comment:

Heather said...

What cute costumes. I am glad to see that another mom dressed up with her kids. I did...couldn't convince Aaron to dress up. Looks like you guys had fun...and Andy does look like a perfect little wizard.