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Feb 22, 2010

The Sacred Grove

I had the wonderful blessing of being in Upstate New York last week for a training and had the wonderful opportunity of visiting the Sacred Grove, Hill Cumorah, the Palmyra Temple, and the Smith farm. It's hard to put into words the beautiful spirit that was felt there... To know that the things that occurred there almost 200 years ago are true, is but a small testimony. I am so grateful for the knowledge I've gained and the wonderful blessing of being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is with a humble heart that I share my testimony of the truth of these things- knowing that the Father and Son did appear to young Joseph in that place and that this was the beginning of a wonderful legacy that has touched so many lives and changed them forever! I am beyond grateful for these truths and thank my Heavenly Father every day for them!

Here are a few pictures- enjoy:

...walking through the Sacred Grove:

The Smith home, where Joseph and his family lived when he had the vision and where he was instructed by Moroni.

The Palmyra Temple:

This is definately a place everyone needs to visit at least once in their lifetime.


Mike and Patty said...

what a wonderful opportunity you had to be able to see these sacred sites. i cant wait to experince it for myself one day as well.
you and ally look soo beautiful (:

Heather said...

Loved the pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful time. I hope one day to share that experience with my day.