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Sep 26, 2010

Sean & Ally's Birthday Party

I still can't believe my babies were born on the same day.... It is so special they get to share birthdays and it sure makes for some fun and creative parties to come.

Ally turned 1 and Seany turned 3!!! We celebrated on Labor Day, (which was the day Ally was born last year). We had lots of friends and family over and enjoyed a yummy BBQ and lots of sweet treats!

Here's a few pics of our Birthday girl Allison Nicole:

Here's a few pics of our big boy Sean:

Blowing out the candles with mom and big Brother Andy:
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Some of our friends & family that shared in Ally and Sean's special day:

My babies are growing so fast! Andy will be 7 in just a short couple of months, Sean is totally potty-trained, and my Ally will be walking before I know it.... I'm loving every second of every day I get to spend with my 3 monkeys they really are so special to me!
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SeƱora Daiana said...

So cute!! I can't believe they have the same birthdays thats crazy!! We missed you on Friday. I was hopeing to see you. It's been a long time since I've seen you. Jared and I want to plan something soon to have you guys over to the house. I'll call you.

Howells Fam said...

Happy Birthday to both beautiful babies! I can't believe it's been that long since we've seen you. The last time was right after Ally was born!

"The Savages" said...

They definitely grow fast! It's really fun!

We'll have to plan something soon---- so we can get the Howells fam, the Springer fam, & all the other cute mission families together. That would be a blast!