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Dec 24, 2011

christmas eve 2011 dinner

Papa Cohen was gone this year for Christmas
and without the official Holiday Cook,
we ended up having Christmas Eve dinner at our house.
It's a tradition at the Cohen's.
We get all dressed up and enjoy a Christmas feast.

my boys in their matching outfits, so cute!

The kids couldn't wait for Santa to come the next day....
to see all their presents. They were so excited!
They were so excited we let them open one gift from Grandma & Grandpa Savage.

I think mine was the best...
The card read--- drink, eat, and have money--

There was an apple cider bottle with about $75 taped all around it, a box of See's Candies chocolates, and; perfume, lotion, and other girly items. Thanks Jan, you are alwasy so creative with your gifts.

1 comment:

1mishi said...

Hey Laura. Your family is so adorable!! All is well in California. Ithink we are going to go visit your in'laws in Colorado this summer. Life is grand