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Aug 22, 2008

Orlando, Florida

We spent the last 8 days in Florida. It was a non-stop party, so we have lots & lots of pictures of all the fun!

We stayed at the Disney Coronado Springs Resort- it was absolutely amazing- 3 pools, boating, biking, hammocks to lay in under the stars, it felt like its own little world & so relaxing!

@ Downtown Disney.

Life doesn't get better than fresh fish, scallops, & shrimp- yummy!
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Going to the Pool!

Daddy & Sean loving the water. The pool was amazing- it even had a slide & Mayan Temple!

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Sean making friends with the Hula Dancer. We also saw fire dancers & vantrilaquists. Then we danced the night away!

This was so cool!!!!
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I love Orlando- it's truly a magical place.


holly said...

it looks like you guys had lots of fun! and you can totally check my blog--i will try to keep everyone updated on bridgette and chad...
your kids are getting so big! let me know if you want to do something--now that kate's cousins are gone--she will need new playmates!!

Bridgette said...

How fun! But we need to have a talk! You went to Florida, but didn't stop in Atlanta! We are next on your vacation list! Love you guys

Mike and Patty said...

DISNEY WORLD!!!! Can't wait to go there once again!!