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Nov 24, 2008


I love the Holiday Season. I'm so excited for Thanksgiving and especially Christmas. It's such a wonderful time of year.
This year I feel so overjoyed with gratitude. I'm grateful to my Heavenly Father for so many blessings. I feel that everything in my life is coming together so beautifully.....I have so many wonderful people in my life! My life has a purpose and I feel so very very blessed.
Let's live each day to the fullest and lets tell the people around us how important they are and how much we love them!
Life is so extraordinary- Let's thank Our God every day, for the many wonderful things he allows us to have, the many talents he gives us to impact & touch people's lives, the incredible people that he surrounds us with that lift us up & teach us great things, and the little miracles we all experience day to day-- thanks to Him.

I'm grateful to all of you, for being my friends and family and people I can count on! Thank you!


Heather said...

Love your post on gratitude. Thank you for your friendship! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

susana kidd said...

Hey! que idea tan buena de hacer este post. Y nada mas me hizo pensar que agradecida fui (fuimos, mi companeritas y yo en la mision) de haber tenido a una super chica tan dispuesta ha ayudarnos siempre, y con este espiritu tan fuerte,osea TU, si Gracias Laura! y que padre que sigamos siendo amigas. TQM Esca jiji

Howells Fam said...

Hey, you guys left a comment on our blog about a get together over the holidays, let us know if anything happens - we'd love to be there!

Anonymous said...

AWWW!!!! How nice!!!
I need you to update pictures.. Im not feeling the fact that I've had the same wallpaper of Sean for about 3 weeks now.. I need a new one..

Unknown said...

for some reason I just passed through your BLOG!! que lindo tu verdad quiero que sepas que eres muy especial para mi..y que cuentas con migo en lo que necesites

love ya