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Jun 13, 2010

Standing Ally...

My little Ally is already 9 months old! It seems like everything happened last month- she started crawling (more like scooting), clapping, standing on her own, got her 1st 3 teeth (all within a day of each other) and her 1st word--- "mamamama"... So crazy! She actually learned to clap to the World Cup song- "Wave your flag", she was so excited seeing her brothers dance that she started clapping her hands...

So, this is what I find every time she wakes up from a nap- Ally smiling and standing in her crib.


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She is really such a good baby, she was never even fussy through the teething phase! She is always so happy, clapping, dancing, smiling, and giggling away!


Heather said...

She is sooo adorable! I think she and Sean have similar smiles. She is adorable.

Mike and Patty said...

Ally looks absolutely darling in that outfit!