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Mar 21, 2008

Clever Andy

I have to share the cutest thing Andy said to me tonight...We were snuggling in bed and I was telling him how much I love him and how special he is...when I say to him, "Andy you're my big 4 year old!"
and he responds, "Yeah and I'm going to be your big 5 year old."
"I know you're growing so big so fast and that makes Mommy so happy and sad".
He asks, "Why?"
I respond, "Because you're going to grow up so fast and you won't be my little boy anymore".
Then he looks at me and says what he thinks is a perfect solution, "Mommy, don't worry,... I won't eat my food, and that way I won't grow". I couldn't help but crack up and think how clever these little guys are. Then he turns to me gives me a big hug and says, "Don't worry I'll always be your little boy, forever and ever!"
I just love that little Andy and as much as we sometimes want them to stay little I know someday he'll grow and have his own little family...for now I'm just happy knowing that he's all mine! and that I get to hug him and love him whenever I want!


Matt said...
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Melissa Savage said...

What a cutie! That's such a sweet thing to say, he's very concerned about your feelings, I love it! Aren't 4 year olds fun? They come up with the funniest (and sometimes sweetest) comments!

Bridgette said...

Laura, So I just joined the blogging world, and Chad told me you had one as well. What darling little boys you have! Mine is
We're so excited to see you on Saturday!