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Sep 25, 2008

Sean's 1st Haircut!

Sean had his 1st haircut-- it was about time, especially since there were so many people that thought he was a girl (even with the distinct boy outfits). They'd come up to me & say things like- "What a pretty baby girl you have" or "She has the prettiest big blue eyes". So, we gave him a more boyish look- don't you think? Now, he looks Chinese when he squints his eyes- it's really funny but, at least people won't confuse him w/ a girl!

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1 comment:

holly said...

love it! he really does have amazing blue eyes--but i know what you mean--kate can be dressed in head to toe pink & people will still say, "my a cute little boy..." i'm not sure how it happens, but oh well--that's why when i'm in doubt, i always go with, "what an adorable child you have..." :)

did you get my message the other day? i was thinking that today (friday) would have worked--but kate is cutting teeth again & is..... um, "delightful"?!
let's try for next wednesday or friday if that will work for your schedule :)