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Mar 8, 2008

Andy Playing Daddy!

This was super cute, and it made me laugh.
Andy was playing with Sean making him crack up...when he starts to take Sean's pants off "Mom I think Sean has peepee in his diaper". Then I see Andy running accross the room grabbing the diaper bag. He comes over and says "Mom I'm going to change Sean." I'm in total awe-are you kidding me? Then he starts the whole process, it was super funny and I couldn't believe it- he did everything perfectly! I guess I shouldn't be surprised he's seen the process a millions times, but I never thought he was capable.

At the end he was exhausted! as you can see...being a Mommy is hard work!

1 comment:

susana kidd said...

That's so cute! What a good brother! Go Andy! Elan plays Daddy with Ashton too but he hasn't changed diapers yet! Thanks for the cute pics. xoxo Esca